$597.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Sales Is Freedom | Monthly Payment

Get immediate access to this sales masterclass from the team at Prequal. Enroll now!

As a reminder, here's what you'll get when you enroll in Sales Is Freedom:

  • Immediate and ongoing access to the entire course (including future updates!)
  • Ongoing FREE monthly group coaching calls
  • A 60+ page workbook to assist you as you work through the course
  • More than a dozen materials, including sales scripts, pricing worksheets, our proprietary network audit tool, and CX cheat sheets
  • Special promos and early access to additional Prequal offers, courses and events

You are so ready to do this. So go ahead and sign up already. We're standing by and ready to start cheering you on. 

*Monthly payments will be withdrawn every 30 days (for a total of 5 payments) beginning on your enrollment date using the card we have on file. By choosing the monthly payment option, Prequal, LLC reserves the right to remove your access to the course if any payment is missing or incomplete.